Thursday, August 13, 2009

My role model

My role model is Skandar Keynes. He is a wonderful actor, handsome hottie and the most important of all, my role model. I want to be an actor when i grow up. I have seen many great actors when i am watching television, movies, etc. Somehow, this paticular actor inpired me the most. I like his acting and also the movie he acts in. Edmund was born in 1930 in Finchley, England, and he is 10 years old when he appears in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. By The Last Battle he is 19 years old

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sth you do not know about me

I am actually very afraid of inects. From the big hornet to the small nymth. I am not very scared of ants though. I usually run away when i see bees, moths, cockroaches and surprisingly or not , even butterflies. I just get this reaction whenever i see these insects, i will just get the hell out of their way. I know it might be stupid to run away from a butterfly which everyoone say to be oh so beautiful and harmless

Monday, July 27, 2009

what subjects would I choose next year

I am really interested in science altough my marks for that is. not that good. I also like English and English is a must take subject. I want to aim for at least a double Science. I also thought of going to the same stream as my brother, triple science. but now I know that is not very possible for me at the moment by looking at my marks. but as the chinese people say, aim for the moon. if you fail to reach, at least you fall on the stars . I too believe in that. so I will aim for the best , if I fail to go there, I might get the second best

Sunday, July 19, 2009

What I normally do on weekends

I normally help out with the household chores and all during my hoildays, like sweeping the floor, or mopping the floor. I have a math tuition on saturday from 3 to 4.30 o clock. After tuition I would just cmome back home and do my homework, after i am donw with all those, I would just slack for the whole day. Sunday is better as i have no tuition. Sometimes my mum even goes out for the whole day, me and my brother are normally left alone at home. Come to think of it, I really do not do much during weekends

Saturday, July 11, 2009

what i wanna change about myself

well, i want to become smarter , i guess i will have to study harder and do more practices, i want to become stronger, i guess i have to train my body harder, i want to be come a good actor, i guess i will have to pratice harder, i want to be good at dancing, i guess i have to train harder. I want to change alot of things about myself, but i can't seem to do it. The reason? I do not know, i guess i will have to try harder to get what i want in this mad, mad world

term 2 reflection

Term 2 went pass very fast. And my exam results were not what i expected. But i think i deserved to get those marks. During the exam period, I did not exactly study hard, all I did was slacking and not doing anything, if I really had to look at my notes, I would sit on the chair wondering about other things and I really regretted. When the exam marks came out, I was sad but strangly, not very surprised. I really hope I can concentrate for term 3 because, when my mum looked at my report book,she was disappointed. I really have to concentarte for term 3 as i do not want to let all my family members and tuition teachers down again.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


If i were a girl even just for a day, i would roll out of bed in the morning and wonder what just happened to me. If i were a girl would i still look like a guy? If i were a girl, I will not put on make up, but I will give a bra a try. If I were a girl, I could mess with the guys, when we have a good meal, I will make sure they will pay. I refuse to cook in the kitchen but I am pretty darn good with the microwave. If I were a girl, please do not get mad at me, I'm not used to my body, I'm not sure I want to stay in this, God please change me back to a gentleman!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mrs Foo's class

Mrs Foo, Mrs Grace Foo her lessons are so interesting but sometimes noisy, the spellingsd she gives us is not always easy, to my delight. I think she should give us more exercises and she should control her classes abit, though she has the 'superhuman' ability of staring at the noisy student, and then the whole class turns slient. Sometimes, her lesson are quite boring also she should well, spice her lesson up. I think there is not a single student in class that hates her though she is kind and very helpful and we are very lucky to have her as a teacher.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My greatest fear

My greatest fear is spiders and well, insects. They are so creepy and so discusting. Some of them are even poisonous. Everytime something flys in front of me, whether its a fruit fly or hornet or even a butterfly, I would just run away from it. I hated spiders when I first saw one when I was K1. My maid told me if I keep my mouth open, a big hairy spider will craw inside. I was so frightened I could'nt sleep. People may call me girly or a coward but I will never like those things, not a tiny bit.

Term 1 reflection

I don't think term 1 went pass very well. We or I had alot of homeworks from school and from my tuition. The teachers espically 1 ,whom I'm not gonnna mention, did not help either. But I got to be with my friends and learn new stuff even in subject I do not like. I made friends with the new comers and got to be best frends with Siti. We met afew new and great teachers too. The best news is when i was told I had pass the drama audition and also taking part in the SFY Competition. Well, besides all of that, everything was still the same, if you ask me, I think there is not much changes.

Term 1 reflection

Thursday, March 12, 2009


This is the Flammable Substance Squad... and heres wat we all do

Instant Gblah blah blah

I really do think that young people nowadays like things to be done really quickly. Here are afew examples: Why does that lady walk so slow? Hurry up and prepare the food! Why is the Earth moving so slowly? This class is boring, man, end it soon! I agree about the class being boring and all, but besides that, I can wait for the rest

My most prized possession

My most prized possession is probably my bolster. When I was very young, my mum used to beast me and scold me alot, I had no one to talk to, so i would run to my room, lock the door and cry on my bolster. I have many sad and happy memories with my bolster too. People would normally think that bolster is a smelly thing and all, surprisingly, that time when Brennan came to my house, he said that my bolster smelled like his and he liked the sell very much. I too was shocked

Monday, February 16, 2009

What Do I tink About Deyi

I think Deyi is a very nice play to study in. But it can be kinda hot sometimes and almost everyone gets pretty restless and the teachers will start to complain. When i came to school on the 1st day, I was suprised to learn that there was no track. Well i think Deyi is way better than other schools and we cannnot change what we have now even if we complained.

What I did during Valentine Day

Well I did not really did anything. It was a pretty borin' day for me. I was really happy that my friend in another school got a new computer. He always complained to me about his computer during Primary School. I on the other hand, do not recieve preasents on Valentines day. I went to tution from 3pm to 5.30 pm. We joked about the teacher and his wife. It wass very funny. I watch television that day but there was nothing interestin'.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Can you do it too?

I was really amazed when i first saw this video. I cant even use my leg to pick up a pencil when that old lady could bathe herself, cook and do amazin things with her feet. I do pity her not having any arms. I think its kind of cold-hearted of her mother as she taught of killin her own daughter. I was surprised when her father wanted to keep her and treat her like a dog. I am glad that this lady could live her life propely now


During the Chinese New Year, I went to see my 85 year old grandfather. He was very happy to see my brother and I. I also went to my friend's house to celebrate. I must say that their house is very big and very nice. I did not go to anywhere special as all of my family members were very tired. We spent the night before cleaning the whole house and prayin

Sunday, January 18, 2009

my vacation 2008

I spent november studyin and goin to my new tuition centre. Then, i spent half of december in USA ...yeah hurray...but just for alittle while.. I went to Las Vagas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, Laughlin and yeah thats it. If you ask me..... what was the stupidest thing i did there, i would tell you. During our chilly stay at Lake Tahoe, i threw a snowball at myself and got a headache after that. The most fun place i tink was universal studious at Los Angeles. Its like 999% more fun than another other place i had been in my life. There is this place, you sit on a seat and there is a big screen in front of you. You feel like you are goin on a roller coaster ride but actually, Its just the chair movin. So... yeah bye for now

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Journal 1

School life is kinda borin'.. to say the truth. So lets not talk about schools. Self intro- I am 14 well, 13 to be exact. I like things and i hate things though i do not like hating things. I have many amazing friends who support me and encourge me to 'chase' my dreams. I watch anime and sometimes sleep when i have nothing to do. I watch Zero no Tsukaima season 1,2 and 3, A.Daioh and Naruto. Ok! Thats enough information