Sunday, January 18, 2009

my vacation 2008

I spent november studyin and goin to my new tuition centre. Then, i spent half of december in USA ...yeah hurray...but just for alittle while.. I went to Las Vagas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, Laughlin and yeah thats it. If you ask me..... what was the stupidest thing i did there, i would tell you. During our chilly stay at Lake Tahoe, i threw a snowball at myself and got a headache after that. The most fun place i tink was universal studious at Los Angeles. Its like 999% more fun than another other place i had been in my life. There is this place, you sit on a seat and there is a big screen in front of you. You feel like you are goin on a roller coaster ride but actually, Its just the chair movin. So... yeah bye for now

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