Wednesday, April 15, 2009


If i were a girl even just for a day, i would roll out of bed in the morning and wonder what just happened to me. If i were a girl would i still look like a guy? If i were a girl, I will not put on make up, but I will give a bra a try. If I were a girl, I could mess with the guys, when we have a good meal, I will make sure they will pay. I refuse to cook in the kitchen but I am pretty darn good with the microwave. If I were a girl, please do not get mad at me, I'm not used to my body, I'm not sure I want to stay in this, God please change me back to a gentleman!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mrs Foo's class

Mrs Foo, Mrs Grace Foo her lessons are so interesting but sometimes noisy, the spellingsd she gives us is not always easy, to my delight. I think she should give us more exercises and she should control her classes abit, though she has the 'superhuman' ability of staring at the noisy student, and then the whole class turns slient. Sometimes, her lesson are quite boring also she should well, spice her lesson up. I think there is not a single student in class that hates her though she is kind and very helpful and we are very lucky to have her as a teacher.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My greatest fear

My greatest fear is spiders and well, insects. They are so creepy and so discusting. Some of them are even poisonous. Everytime something flys in front of me, whether its a fruit fly or hornet or even a butterfly, I would just run away from it. I hated spiders when I first saw one when I was K1. My maid told me if I keep my mouth open, a big hairy spider will craw inside. I was so frightened I could'nt sleep. People may call me girly or a coward but I will never like those things, not a tiny bit.

Term 1 reflection

I don't think term 1 went pass very well. We or I had alot of homeworks from school and from my tuition. The teachers espically 1 ,whom I'm not gonnna mention, did not help either. But I got to be with my friends and learn new stuff even in subject I do not like. I made friends with the new comers and got to be best frends with Siti. We met afew new and great teachers too. The best news is when i was told I had pass the drama audition and also taking part in the SFY Competition. Well, besides all of that, everything was still the same, if you ask me, I think there is not much changes.

Term 1 reflection