Monday, February 16, 2009

What Do I tink About Deyi

I think Deyi is a very nice play to study in. But it can be kinda hot sometimes and almost everyone gets pretty restless and the teachers will start to complain. When i came to school on the 1st day, I was suprised to learn that there was no track. Well i think Deyi is way better than other schools and we cannnot change what we have now even if we complained.

What I did during Valentine Day

Well I did not really did anything. It was a pretty borin' day for me. I was really happy that my friend in another school got a new computer. He always complained to me about his computer during Primary School. I on the other hand, do not recieve preasents on Valentines day. I went to tution from 3pm to 5.30 pm. We joked about the teacher and his wife. It wass very funny. I watch television that day but there was nothing interestin'.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Can you do it too?

I was really amazed when i first saw this video. I cant even use my leg to pick up a pencil when that old lady could bathe herself, cook and do amazin things with her feet. I do pity her not having any arms. I think its kind of cold-hearted of her mother as she taught of killin her own daughter. I was surprised when her father wanted to keep her and treat her like a dog. I am glad that this lady could live her life propely now


During the Chinese New Year, I went to see my 85 year old grandfather. He was very happy to see my brother and I. I also went to my friend's house to celebrate. I must say that their house is very big and very nice. I did not go to anywhere special as all of my family members were very tired. We spent the night before cleaning the whole house and prayin